Understanding the Databases
Private database (requires username and password)
Quick links: menus, basic search, advanced search, surname search, individual view, sources, notes, trees, photos, cemeteries/headstones, ancestor charts, descendant charts, relationship, suggest changes
At this time, we have over 97,000 names, 737 family photographs, 56 documents, 26 photos of headstones, and 9,907 unique surnames in our databases. Gayla's database focuses on her ancestors (mainly Lutheran) as well as other families (both Lutheran and Catholic) who lived in the Grossliebental District of Odessa in South Russia. Her database also includes the Hutterite/Mennonite research she has done on her maternal side. Rich's database focuses on his ancestors (mainly Catholic) who lived in the Beresan District of Odessa in South Russia, as well as some Dobrudscha and Volga research. The information in this database is to help you with your research and should not be sold for profit.
A public version of our database can be found on the Black Sea German Research website along with 1.3 million other Germans from Russia descendants. This is the place to go if you are actively researching your German-Russian family history. If you are a family member and want access to the private database please contact me.
The databases are living documents and will be updated as we receive new information. Please contact us if there are changes in your family tree.
Basic menus are on the main genealogy page as well as each subject page
Searches all trees at once automatically
Must type in at least a surname
Provides name, date of birth, ID #, and tree
Click on name to view individual information
Search all trees at once or you can specify a specific tree
You define the search criteria
Soundex is available
Dropdown menus provide options
Search alphabetical list of surnames
Provides top 30 surnames
Search all trees or a specific tree
Number in parenthesis is number of individuals in tree with that surname
Click on the name of person to see the individual view
Includes parents and children
Items underlined are hyperlinked and provide additional information
Includes notes and sources (numbers in brackets relate to sources)
May include additional information about birth, marriage, death, immigration, naturalization, census, etc.
Each source has a specific number
Click on source number to see other individuals attached to this source
Basic and advanced statistics provided for each tree
Select "photo" from Media menu
One photo can be linked to numerous trees
Search for a photo
Mouse on photo enlarges thumbnail
Select "Cemeteries" from Find menu
Select from location or tree
One headstone can be linked to more than one tree
One headstone can be linked to more than one individual
Mouse on headstone photo enlarges thumbnail
Shows maximum of four generations at a time
Chose from standard, compact, box, text or Ahnentafel formats
Can create PDF document and print or save to your computer
Shows maximum of four generations at a time
Chose from standard, compact, text, register, or PDF formats
Can create PDF document and print or save to your computer
Displays the relationship of two people
Based on up to 10 generations
Easy to fill out form
Automatically includes ID number and name
Changes are added to the notes field with submitters name and email address and source for the change